Gastspiel des Internationalen Opernstudios der Oper Köln
The Cologne Opera's International Opera Studio - the oldest of its kind in the German-speaking world - is making its third guest appearance at the Heinrich Heine Cultural Forum Cologne. The young singers from all over the world, including America, Mexico, Russia and Slovenia, will embark on a musical journey through the world of musicals with Rainer Mühlbach, the director of the International Opera Studio. The programme starts with melodies from operettas by Jaques Offenbach, Cologne's local hero, then focuses on the classic musical, ‘My Fair Lady’ by Frederick Loewe and ‘West Side Story’ by Leonard Bernstein, before moving on to excerpts from modern musicals. The evening will be hosted by Norbert Pabelick, Chairman of the ‘Freunde der Kölner Oper e.V.’ association, and Rainer Mühlbach.
*Die tagesaktuelle Besetzung entnehmen Sie bitte den jeweiligen Terminen
Events and tickets
January 2025
Tickets via Heinrich Heine Kulturforum / Köln-Ostheim