Weihnachtskonzert des Jugendchors St. Stephan
“Sing Hallelujah!” is the annual motto at Oper Köln during Advent, when the traditional Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan takes to the stage and gets everyone in the Christmas spirit. The family and Christmas concert has become a special highlight of the pre-Christmas season in Cologne and inspires audiences of all ages. With around 80 members, under the direction of Michael Kokott, the choir is one of the largest and most successful youth choirs in Germany. The varied repertoire of the choir ranges from gospel, pop, comedy and Cologne favourites to classical music and jazz. And that is reflected in the “Sing Hallelujah!” programme! The young singers have German, international and Cologne Christmas carols up their sleeves and create a festive atmosphere for young and old alike.
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