Friends of the Kinderoper

Since the founding of the Cologne Children's Opera in 1996, the Förderverein has provided significant support for the children's opera through sponsors and supporters and has thus made a dream come true - the dream of allowing children to participate in our culture: this means over 50 performances every year especially for children, with pedagogical support, materials for optimal preparation, cut-out sheets, costume sketches to colour in, small sheet music examples to sing along to, simple texts on the content and on composing. This also means ‘touring’ through day-care centres. With the support of the Förderverein, the Cologne Children's Opera tours daycare centres with special productions that introduce children from the age of three to musical theatre. The Cologne Children's Opera is not an elitist institution for high earners. One of the aims of the association is to ensure that children from poorer or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds in particular can participate in our culture: For pupils or school classes whose parents cannot afford such an additional expense, we pay for the tickets. But we also look after our new fellow citizens and introduce them to this part of our culture in this way - and have been doing so for more than 25 years! We welcome all children, your own children, the children of your friends, simply all children! The Förderverein supports the children's opera with your donations. It is recognised as a non-profit organisation, so donations kindly made to it are tax-deductible. Please help to ensure that the Children's and Family Opera continues to exist!

Hansmanfred Boden (Chairman)

Support the Kinderoper


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