What does the search for one's own identity sound like? What sounds express longing, chaos or the courage to surpass oneself? In the composition workshop for the community opera SUPERHELDENNORMALOS, precisely these questions were asked - and answered with creative passion by young musicians up to the age of eighteen, who, under professional guidance, embarked on the adventure of setting their own opera to music. They experimented with sounds, developed melodies and searched for musical motifs that would bring the emotions and experiences of the characters to life. The process was as exciting as it was challenging: how does a finished aria emerge from an initial idea? Which instrumentation lends a scene its special atmosphere? Working closely with musicians and composers, the children and young people transformed their musical sketches into tangible compositions - sometimes dreamy, sometimes powerful, sometimes full of energy. Step by step, they created a unique cosmos of sound that tells the story of the SUPERHELDENNORMALOS and their world.