Nicol Hungsberg

Nach Engagements am Theater Rudolstadt, am Staatstheater Kassel und an den Städtischen Bühnen Frankfurt a. M. kam der Licht-Designer in der Spielzeit 2009.10 an die Oper Köln, wo er seither als Beleuchtungsinspektor tätig ist. Weitere Arbeiten führten ihn unter anderem an das Staatstheater Saarbrücken, die Lettische Nationaloper Riga sowie die Deutsche Oper Berlin. Außerdem ist er Stellvertretender Leiter der Beleuchtung der Bayreuther Festspiele.
Upcoming productions with: Nicol Hungsberg
All events with Nicol Hungsberg
April 2025
World premiere
May 2025
Introductions 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introductions 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introductions 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introductions 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introductions 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3 + follow-up discussion.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 Minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
January 2025
Introduction 30 minutes before the start of the performance in Saal 3.
Einführung 30 Minuten vor Beginn in Saal 3.
Introduction 30 minutes before the start of the performance in auditorium 3.